Street Names for Codeine

Dope. Crystal. China Girl. Street names have been around for years, and many have heard them in passing or in the news. But what happens when your teen has some friends over and you hear strange and unknown terms?  What if they start talking about “scoring the stuff for purple drank,” or “making a date […]

What Is Lean Codeine

You come home from work, and the scent of something vaguely medicinal fills the air — a common smell when your son and his friends hang out in the basement. You find plastic cups in the trash, with purple droplets scattered at the bottom. You hear them laughing about “lean”, and Google search what the […]

Codeine Withdrawals: Spotting the Signs

Have you ever taken a medication – whether recreationally or prescribed – for a period of time and find yourself painfully uncomfortable when you stop? Maybe you noticed an increase in body sweat, a new level of anxiety you hadn’t had before, or pain in your joints and muscles. These are signs of withdrawal, and […]

How Long Does Codeine Stay in Your System

You always wanted to be a mother, and with the birth of your son, your dream was realized. The plan did not quite go as you thought, though. You required a c-section to save your son. Both of you were healthy and mending well in the hospital. But no one could have prepared you for […]

Codeine Side Effects

You know your daughter has been using drugs because you’ve seen the signs. Changes in her appearance and friend groups, loss of motivation, a drop in her grades, and even white residue in the bathroom and on her nightstand. With your stepson being only 8 years old, you didn’t think it was smart for her […]

Signs of Codeine Addiction

Your son has always been in the “failure to launch” phase. He is 28 and living in your basement. You know you are partially to blame, it’s easy to mother-hen him and help when he asks. He had been distant since the divorce over five years ago, and he stopped doing the things he needed […]

Codeine Overdose

Your dad has always worked hard to provide for your family. With five brothers and sisters, your mom stayed home to keep the house and your siblings in line. He didn’t mind his role, but you knew there had to be something going on for him to handle all the stress. As you got older, […]