where to find narcan in knoxville revida recovery

where to find narcan in knoxville revida recovery

The scope of the matter is simple – overdoses can happen to anyone at any time, and often to loved ones we least expect. In 2023, almost 500 suspected overdose deaths occurred in Knox County. Here at ReVIDA® Recovery, we bring education to our communities surrounding substance use and harm reduction. Our program combines therapy and life skills classes with medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to save lives.

We also understand the importance of incorporating harm reduction strategies for those not yet enrolled in treatment. Today, we are sharing these principles and educating about where to find Narcan® (naloxone) in Knoxville.

The History and Importance of Narcan® (Naloxone)

Narcan® (naloxone) has been a life-saving tool to reverse opioid overdoses, but the history behind it has always been complex. The first appearance of an opioid antagonist was in the 1950s when a Merck medication with the trade name Nalline® (nalorphine) emerged. However, clinics opened to provide it as a way for police to monitor individuals who were suspected to be using opioids. This ended up proving negative, as people would turn to other substances that Nalline® (nalorphine) would not have an effect on, specifically amphetamines.

Most Nalline® (nalorphine) clinics closed in the late 1970s, after Narcan® (naloxone) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1971. It was developed by scientist Jack Fishman who was trying to create a medication to treat constipation associated with opioid use. Narcan® (naloxone) did not gain traction for use after being approved and was mainly utilized in hospital settings and as an emergency response.

It wasn’t until the 1990s that Narcan® (naloxone) started being distributed outside medical settings. Over the next decade, it would gain more prevalence as the opioid crisis boomed throughout the United States. Today, Narcan® (naloxone) is widely available through different harm reduction programs and local and state government agencies. The goal of Narcan® (naloxone) is to reverse overdoses, but also implement social change in a positive way.

Harm Reduction Programs Throughout Tennessee

There are various resources surrounding harm reduction throughout Tennessee. Syringe Services Programs (SSPs) are available throughout the state and provide free sterile injection supplies, including needles and syringes. They also offer HIV testing, overdose prevention, referrals for those seeking substance use disorder treatment, and much more. Some sites are mobile while others are in fixed locations, easing access to care.

getting help for substance use disorders in knoxville

Local Narcan® (Naloxone) Distribution Centers in Knoxville, TN

Narcan® (naloxone) is available for purchase through local pharmacies, including Walgreens and CVS in Knoxville. You do not need a prescription in order to purchase, and under the Good Samaritan Law, pharmacists can in good faith dispense Narcan® (naloxone) to anyone. This includes family members, friends, and those close to someone who may experience an opioid overdose. However, some larger chain pharmacies may have their own policies in place despite the Tennessee Good Samaritan Law.

The Knox County Harm Reduction Coalition works within the communities to distribute Narcan® (naloxone). The goal of the group is to report and track doses of Narcan® (naloxone) administered by first responders. This shows where the need for resources is throughout Knox County. They work with local agencies to fulfill these needs including offering free Narcan® (naloxone), education about substance use and overdoses, and treatment referrals.

All4Knox is a branch of the Knox County Health Department and offers substance use disorder case management. This is a new program that connects those managing substance use disorders to education, treatment, and referrals for harm reduction, including finding Narcan® (naloxone).

Government Narcan® (Naloxone) Distribution in Knoxville

The Regional Overdose Prevention Specialists (ROPS) is a group dedicated to providing Narcan® (naloxone) throughout Tennessee. The group aims to work with first responders, those at risk for an overdose and their loved ones, and recovery organizations with treatment and community resources. However, ROPS is open to anyone in the communities looking to receive education and Narcan® (naloxone). Knox County is in Region 2M and has the following contacts for more information:

Jessica Stanley:
Email: Jstanley@metrodrug.org
Phone: (865) 440-5598

Brandon Styles

Email: bystyles@metrodrug.org

Phone: (865) 203-5183

ROPS distributed more than 450,000 units of Narcan® (naloxone) between October 2017 and March 2023. Each of these units contained two doses. The representatives of ROPS have a variety of backgrounds which allows them to provide training in multiple areas of substance use and mental health.

ROPS is also a part of the TN Recover App. This app is available for Apple and Android devices and works to connect those recovering from a substance use disorder to resources. This includes obtaining Narcan® (naloxone) kits from ROPS in their local area. The app also offers information about substance use in general and how to prevent a disorder from developing.

Buying Narcan® (Naloxone) Online

Narcan® (naloxone) is available through various retailers online. Common sites include Amazon, the Narcan® (naloxone) official website, and online pharmacies. Prices can vary depending on kit size and the number of doses.

Tennessee Harm Reduction is a website that connects people with harm reduction supplies via mail. Narcan® (naloxone) is offered free of charge for delivery anywhere in Tennessee. They also offer fentanyl test strips, syringes, and other supplies that promote harm reduction practices.

Narcan® (Naloxone) Training in Knoxville

Training for Narcan® (naloxone) administration is available in Knox County through the health department. The goal of training is to arm citizens with the knowledge to recognize an opioid overdose, administer Narcan® (naloxone) properly, and the next steps of what to do. The class also educates about rescue breathing techniques that promote safety. Once the training is complete, attendees will get a free Narcan® (naloxone) that includes 2 vials of Narcan® (naloxone) medication, 2 nasal atomizers, 2 face shields, and educational brochures.

Classes can be scheduled through Tina Cockrell via phone or email. There is also a survey and training video available online through the health department. Once these are complete, a kit will be mailed.

harm reduction programs throughout tennessee

Getting Help for Substance Use Disorders in Knoxville, TN

Maybe you have been given Narcan® (naloxone) before, or maybe you have had to use it on a loved one. Overdoses are scary, but the thought of stopping use may seem even scarier. The good news is: there is hope. Nonjudgmental opioid use disorder treatment in Knoxville is available and harm reduction strategies can make a difference in your success. You are a person, not a disorder or a problem. Treatment can help you rediscover your passions and what led to your substance use. Medication-assisted treatment works to stop cravings and start your recovery on the path to freedom, leaving substances behind for good. All you have to do is take the first step.

If you or someone you love has experienced an opioid overdose, don’t wait until it’s too late to reach out for help. ReVIDA® Recovery has helped many throughout the Tennessee and Virginia areas to find their triumph in recovery. Our program is flexible, offering outpatient services to fit a wide variety of schedules. Paying for care is never an issue as we accept many insurance plans including Medicaid. Call us today at 865-412-8090 to get started.

Reclaim your life.

FAQs About Narcan® (Naloxone) in Knoxville

What is included in a Narcan kit?

Narcan® (naloxone) kits can vary in how many doses they contain and what type. Typically, 1-2 doses of nasal spray Narcan® (naloxone) are included as well as educational materials and a breathing mask. Kits online may include Narcan® (naloxone) that is intramuscularly given.